Sunday, May 22, 2011


Venomous words leak
Overflowing a numbed conscience.
Flower petals fall
Leaving only camouflaged thorns.

She sit and stirs,
A thick mud of tears.
She awakens
As the smoke billows
Out of his vacant mouth.
Stains on her apron.

His calloused fingertips
Leave behind larger scars
In need of more than
A stitch or kiss.

Those calloused fingertips
Push button squares
Through threaded gaps
Over the heart
That pounds through
A Pill-covered green vest
In a civil masquerade.

High society dons
Fake smiles in darkened alley ways.
The pain could fill buckets
In nails and shrapnel;
All waiting for a fuze.

As the evening's ballroom dancer,
She puts on her gowns and coverup.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For Rachael

Risen out
of most frigid hell
stand I,
tattered naked
in the eyes,
absent of much soul
in them.

Death white
claw toothed
I killed my way
of the falling green
acidic storm.

crushed empty
as I forced
a wall of fearful distortion,
my body
melting, now
through any
of logical light,
burning dark
tepid breath,
I -
I am through.

in presence of proof
that a beating heart
was just a fairy tale
to me,
smiling little girl,
hoping, stupid thing.

at least there is magic
in a mundane end.