Monday, March 22, 2010

Winter Meets Summer

Cold Vermont Winter,
Why do you kill away
the summer?
I brought Colorado Summer
To your feet.
But you stand cold,
Frozen in time.
Summer Dances in
The Sunshine.
Feet barely
Touching the ground.
Winter, Do you remember?
The day you saw her,
how you fell in love.
Winter iced over
the land, to meet her.
Summer was in love.
What a dangerous plan.
When she was with him
Summer Adapted.
She killed bits of herself
to be with the winter.
She became the Fall.
And Fall she will Stay.
Until Winter loosens
His tight grip
On her.
Letting her free,
but making her
forever yearn for
the winter.
Then, move on,
and Transform
into Spring.
Re-grow, Rebuild, Renew.
She knows she can.
She knows she must.
She has no choice.
She must transform.

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