Friday, November 25, 2011

I Hope You Read This (My Sister's Journal)

I have written this

Over your notes.
A created image I've conjured.
I hold creased memories,
Soiled without your presence.
A face, a figure,
Someone I never fully knew,
Nor will I fully

Through the aged rubble
Of your possessions,
I question:
Who are you?
How can I even know
or at least acknowledge
your existence if
I've never seen your true face.

I realize the intensity.
You live on worn backs and tempered souls.
Finding any reasonable explanation,
Or even just a note
Is impossible.

Peering into
Pages of your mind,
I philosophize on life.

Maybe we never really know
Who we are
Or who we will be.

Everyday of our
Meaningless existence
We seek truth, Answers.
For nothing.

Doing what we love is
All the solace
This world
Can ever
Offer us.

I never knew you because
I tried to embody
A memory.

A phantom in reflections
Whom I've never known.
Would I be let down?
To know your stories,
Forming truths within
Untwisted tongues.

Would we be closer
Or more distanced in Space?

In time,
We can take down our
To really know
What is inside.


I lay stagnant
As the sands spill over me.
Waves crash against my face.

A savior.
My sails gently set adrift by the
Touch of the wind.
The boat rocks
But I am still.
The warm lips of the sun
Every inch of my body.
But I am cold.

Longing, Waiting.
I'll never know
How long I've been away.
How far from shore am I?

Pointless to search.
Pointless to answer.

My oars were taken away.
Yet I will remain,
As the shoreline beckons me

But I cannot answer the call.

Speechless, in ruin.
I may never sail again
But I still dream
Of distant soils
To burry my feet.

But a part of this ocean
Calls me further away.
I can escape,
But from what am I escaping?
Where is home
If this is all I've ever known.

I may never find a home
Between sand and tides.
But I will continue
My search
If it takes my whole life.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Everglades (working title)

This land is amorphous.
a cruel paradox
of old shadow.

- the brave
effort of geography
to remember things
ancient lost.

always a memory.
never, it feels,
alive independent.

Now coffin nail trees
like some belly of a whale,
in obsidian breath,
dark still,
until its burning hour.
some vengeful lights
traveled. turned
over ,
, over.

There are dreams, here.
violent and weird.
as the land
and sort-of-land
and not-quite-land, here -

- ready always to accept
that easy suggestive stroke
of quick hurricane shift,
upside down
and thunder eyed.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Venomous words leak
Overflowing a numbed conscience.
Flower petals fall
Leaving only camouflaged thorns.

She sit and stirs,
A thick mud of tears.
She awakens
As the smoke billows
Out of his vacant mouth.
Stains on her apron.

His calloused fingertips
Leave behind larger scars
In need of more than
A stitch or kiss.

Those calloused fingertips
Push button squares
Through threaded gaps
Over the heart
That pounds through
A Pill-covered green vest
In a civil masquerade.

High society dons
Fake smiles in darkened alley ways.
The pain could fill buckets
In nails and shrapnel;
All waiting for a fuze.

As the evening's ballroom dancer,
She puts on her gowns and coverup.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For Rachael

Risen out
of most frigid hell
stand I,
tattered naked
in the eyes,
absent of much soul
in them.

Death white
claw toothed
I killed my way
of the falling green
acidic storm.

crushed empty
as I forced
a wall of fearful distortion,
my body
melting, now
through any
of logical light,
burning dark
tepid breath,
I -
I am through.

in presence of proof
that a beating heart
was just a fairy tale
to me,
smiling little girl,
hoping, stupid thing.

at least there is magic
in a mundane end.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Written on a Tissue

I hope your throat is
From Pills
You had to swallow,
Words you never spoke.
I hope your eyes
In distant memories
Cut into your cranium.
I hope your neck
From all the weight
A pendulum on a chain.
I fell on
Broken ankles;
Shattered dreams,
Broken by
Pity releases,
Pain resides.


Fireflies on silk,
Smoke-filled memories from
Decades before you
Took innocence's
Quivering hands,
Creating pathways
Of flickering light.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dot your I's and cross your fingers

A Pendulum
From hopeless rope.
Knots form in
Twisted Fingers,
With vindictive intentions.
I fell
To my knees
Choking on your daydreams.
My swollen ankles and
Your clammy-fisted hands.
I hope to forget.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Black Hole

Lost in thought
I drift with a
Red Balloon
Through the clouds
Of your conscience.

Passing memories
On my journey,
I water the forest
With fresh tears.
Remarking how beautiful
Look when they

You used to tell me
I’d become nothing.
That I won’t do it,
I can’t imagine it;
That the world is
Too cruel for
Uninspired ventures.

You shoot me.
Bust my bubble.
I fall into the
Weak hands of
A distressed Earth.

She catches my heart
As it falls from
Breaking as it drops.

No one saw me fall.

As it should be.

I’d spend
A lifetime
Lost so deep in
That the whole world could
For centuries
And never find my tracks.

Sucked into
A self-created
I cannot measure up
Or down.

Is it too deep to escape?
There must not be sunshine
In my cavern of flesh and bone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

and What of Destiny?

What if
I come back -
what if I circle the world,
and find your door again
to see it empty?

What if our destiny
is to watch from opposite ends,
the flooding, burning canyon
of more miles
than I care to name,
through the air,
shouting over the
roar of a world
whose people demand you
and whose frozen borders
drag me by the feet?

are we
worth resisting
the momentum
of the turning earth?
will you even want to try
, or are faded photographs
folded into pockets
the best we can do?

don't answer, yet.

don't answer at all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

For Development

Laying in his arms,
The world was still.

Ages could wrap
Our leathered hides.

We live for a second;
This ultimatum.
With neon superficiality
And god-less
Flesh pleasures;

Our hearts

In comatose.

Days flicker,
Filtered through
Rose-toned slides.

Light reacts with our
Silver linings,

Revealing our

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Never enough
I sat here
As you withered
Sands trickling down.
Each grain weighs heavier
On my forbidden heart.
I cannot
Become your sullen
Image without a form.
You were my soldier of steel,
Destruction Destroyer.
Never again.
"Be my life, my eternity".
You crushed the ice castle
Within My heart.
I stay now.
Hold hands
With love everlasting.
As time
Sets with decay.