Monday, June 21, 2010

Heartbeat Warefare

Spitting razor blades,
I choke on your words.
Withdrawing my troops
A white flag of relief.

Only momentary.

Hellfire and brimstone spill
Through my tempest poisoned lips
With the blood of experience.

A fuze,
Lit and burning,
Pouring turpentine
Onto faded photographs.

Feeding the fires.

Traitors, liars, cheats
And all their gelded hearts,
Vain hopes, mistruths.
Are there really diamonds
In this smutty coal mine?

Your once crystal eyes,
Oceans of blue,
Form violent hurricanes,
The coastlines
And watching me
For safety.

You bruised my skin.
Inside me, stagnancy.
Your eyes speak
Cold contempt
With misjudged jealousy.

I pled
My innocence of heart.
Judged on accusations;
Never Truths.
On leaping
From beds and hearts,
Holding hands with indifference.

My protections.

You judged against
My swaddled crucifix.
Not guilty.

You decided
To believe your own lies.
Never statistic, facts, or truth.
Then you engulfed your coastlines,
Controlling me through guilt,
And encaging my will.

Until opportunity strikes.
My razor-sharp tongue
Strikes through the chains.
But your serpent song
Slithers through my
Apple-core heart.

Spilling my viscera
Through my crimson
Blood stained shirt.
Darkened with each
Of my quavering heart.

To think of death is a laugh;
More of a shame
As I never quit
This battlefield of love.
No matter the injuries.

It's never a casualty;
Just stagnancy of heart.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mutations to the Heart

No explanations.
You speak your heart
Without regard to mine.

I am not your captive.
Let me go.

Tethered to a lie.
You bind me with loose hopes.
Broken promises.

Bathe me in gold.
Comprehend my loss.
Purchasing happiness.
What a crime.

Heal. Build. Regrow.
Learning to adapt.
Mutations to the heart.
Never conforming.

Passive touch.
Your leathered skin on mine.
Recoil into my tortoise shell.
Another heart's dagger.

What was taken from us?
Can you feel a heartbeat?
Can you feel at all?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Old Caverns
Dwelling inside.

Dripping Gold
To Heal Wounds.
You never confirmed
The intrepid tryst
Of Bees And Trees.

Unearthing bronze
Instead of Silver.
You uprooted
My tangerine grove.

I find complexity
Of intransience
Under foot and

Step lightly,
I tip cradles evermore
Forming a crown
From withered sea flowers.

I dive deep below
Only to resurface.

Placid Black Lagoon,
How easily you can
Suffocate me.

To pass by
Life’s timepiece
To be inundated
For infinity
By Another.

The Cruel
Crisp Air
With your
Midnight Eyes.

I might never
Strike Gold,
But Bitter Brass.
I quarry for
Crude Diamond.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Heart Fires

Some burn of love.
Some care only
In coin or

I burn the bridges
I once played beside
As I walk
Over their crumbling foundations.

I start
Forest fires
With my rose-bitten lips.
The flames rise when I speak.

You broke down
The wall I had built
To keep all out and away.

As the Bricks fall
They transform
Into black holes
Of sparking flint

I cannot control my actions.
Arson of the heart.

I create fires
That burn down
The whole city.

On Fire,
I’m deadly.
“Don’t play with matches,
You’ll only get burned.”
I’m not your match.
I’m kerosene.

Dream State

Past where the lakes touch shores
Where All is calm;

Drips off watches
Into the abyss
Of azure shorelines.

In your eyes
Through mine.

I lay
In fields of distant memory.
Stagnations of time.
I'm happy here.

There's no place
To travel
In blistering shoes
Like the ones I once

Beaming sunshine
Caresses my face.
I feel whole.
Like days are seconds
In decades of bliss.

My place in time
Is uncertain.
My book
Is unwritten.
But I know
I have Eternity
To find my way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Oh, how he waits,
Lusts for
A gentle touch
Or stroke of the wind.

Oh, how he waits
For his love,
his one, the rain.

"Caress my Dark skin.
Reach inside my
Let me grow."

An eternity he waits.

"Don't forget my
Gentle touch
And how I traced
Into your skin."

She daunts and dances

"Have patience, my love."

Like the tides to the shores.

"All I ask
Is to be
With your soft fingertips."

Without endearment
Death becomes him.

The Earth Lusts

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


How can you know
The power of fire
If you've never felt
True heat
Of the Flames?

I hope to reach
Your unbearable Height
Above expectations
You Surmount.

Denial is wasteful.
I too have tasted
The lustful sweet nectar
Of the forbidden fruits.
I know how to taste

Feed fire with fire
Don't fear the flames.
For every power has
A match.

It dances through the air
Like a sultry Temptress
Toying with sensation.
Denial? No, Regret.

I will never be
One of your Toys.
You've never known
The arson
Of my heart.

Monday, March 22, 2010

To Carry The Sunshine

By choice or by force
I carry the sun.
On my shoulders.
Although, the rays burn and
Melt my skin,
I carry on.
Without my light
Many would lose
So I carry on,
Carry the deadweight
That only drags me down.
As all who I illuminate
Smile and laugh with joy.
But never realize
The burden
That I carry.
As I Carry on.

Winter Meets Summer

Cold Vermont Winter,
Why do you kill away
the summer?
I brought Colorado Summer
To your feet.
But you stand cold,
Frozen in time.
Summer Dances in
The Sunshine.
Feet barely
Touching the ground.
Winter, Do you remember?
The day you saw her,
how you fell in love.
Winter iced over
the land, to meet her.
Summer was in love.
What a dangerous plan.
When she was with him
Summer Adapted.
She killed bits of herself
to be with the winter.
She became the Fall.
And Fall she will Stay.
Until Winter loosens
His tight grip
On her.
Letting her free,
but making her
forever yearn for
the winter.
Then, move on,
and Transform
into Spring.
Re-grow, Rebuild, Renew.
She knows she can.
She knows she must.
She has no choice.
She must transform.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A soft touch
of cotton against skin.
Fall away.
sometimes i still can
see his driveway of mud
when it was really one of

Things meant to be said
but never spoken.
Tears shed for nothing.

A broken window
into my past. Its so dark
So cold. I've become a black hole.
I hoped I had
The strength.
To escape,
What life held for me
Wasn't what I thought I needed,
But it was best
In the end.

So Fragile.
Sometimes I float amongst
heads of others, dreaming,
pretending and seeking truth.
I speak softly now
just thinking of the year
we spent. I will
Never be the same.

Time changes Everything.
I forgive him. Its my
Heart, I cannot forgive.